Reading is Writing, Sometimes

Our WIP has hit that point, roughly 100 pages in, where it’s time to go back and read over what we’ve done so far. Take it for a test drive and see how it handles at cruising speed.

During the writing process, we have of course been continually reading and rereading as we added to it, but with a very narrow focus. Looking at the current scene, the current paragraph, the current word. Now, by taking it all in as a whole we are reminded of where the characters came from, how the current scenes came to be.

It also recharges us by reminding us how far we’ve come. Reviewing your progress is a healthy thing, and can be fantastic for morale. We find it renews our desire to see how it turns out. (Even though we already know — there are always still surprises!)

What this read-thru is not: a revision pass. Sure, we’ll clean up whatever easy stuff we happen to spot, and make some notes for later about any larger considerations. But it’s important to keep in mind that this is a WIP, and we have to keep moving forward.

A writing partner is your first reader, your sharpest critic, and your biggest fan.

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