“Pleased To Make Your Acquaintance”
it’s definitely probably most likely
- lives with his reindeer-herder father
- So, bullshit and hogwash.
- vivid, annihilating heat
- foreseeing the hideous reality which awaited them
Tune in next time part 434 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Yesterday,” I said.
“But you’re making it today,” YoYo quipped.
William Penn XII favored her with an indulgent smile. “I think we should leave my wife and brother-in-law to get to know one another better, don’t you?” He stepped forward and offered YoYo his elbow. She linked arms with him and cooed about how dashing his cheek numerals looked as they glided out the door.
Whenever you hear tales about a family that’s rife with tawdry intrigue, it’s definitely probably most likely mine.
Yesterday performed the 720-degree curtsy of the eastern noble houses. Etiquette demanded that I reply with the bow of morning, noon, and night, which I had technically never done. But that bow was essentially indistinguishable from doing the worm, which I had much practice with.
“William is my second husband,” Yesterday said to me while I undulated across the floor. “My first ran off in disgrace and now lives with his reindeer-herder father. That’s the official story, but there never were any reindeer in the eastern provinces. So, bullshit and hogwash.”
“Are you and William happy?” I asked, rising and kissing her hand.
“No, but we are content. When it is time to rut we do so with vivid, annihilating heat, and the rest of the time we each have our own hobbies. His latest hobby would appear to involve yodeling.” She caressed my cheek, gazing at it in fascination. “What about you and Fleur? I know what William says, but…” She kissed my un-calligraphed skin. “I want to hear what you say.”
“Well,” I said, “she sent me off to this remote outpost. That should give you the basic tenor of our marriage.” Yesterday was smiling up at me. I kissed her gently on the lips, and though she didn’t kiss back she kept smiling. “What happens now?”
She licked her lips again. “Now, you tell me of how this fortress came to be built. I can’t believe the workers carried out their job without foreseeing the hideous reality which awaited them once it was done.” And then, she kissed me, hard, making sure I could not, in fact, tell her any such thing.
bonus points for using them in order