“Please, Jesus, Let Me Sleep!”
Character – 17 year old Jesus freak
- Setting – pool hall
- Object – chess pieces
- Situation – insomnia
“Please, Jesus, let me sleep!” the boy yelled. Hans had seen his type before. The WWJD t-shirt, the close-cropped hair, the earnest expression. A church youth group was in town for a field trip and the poor sod was overwhelmed.
He dropped to his knees on the pool table, scattering the few balls that remained.
“Oh lord, I am tired! Why do you torment me so?” he cried.
The old men in the corner looked surly and Hans knew they were on the verge of throwing their chess pieces at the boy. As amusing as that might be, Hans had a job to do, and that job was keeping the peace at Pappy’s Pool Palace.
Pappy’s Pool Palace is the bomb :-)
We should meet there over lunch tomorrow for a quick game or two.