“Please,” I Begged
yet oddly not hard
- a huge eel lay on the table
- like a slender cherub
- slowly and most wickedly
- don’t be cruel to me
- her brows, nostrils, lips
“Please,” I begged, “don’t be cruel to me.”
Her response to my supplication registered slowly and most wickedly in tiny movements of her brows, nostrils, lips, and ears. Finally she marched her fingers across my exposed thigh, her dainty hand looking like a slender cherub.
A huge eel lay on the table beside me. Being dead, it wasn’t strapped down. Being alive, I was.
The woman’s fingers had crossed my lap and attained their objective, curling around the haft of a long knife. It was hard to believe she meant to eat me, yet oddly not hard.
“At least tell me your name,” I stammered.
“Minerva,” she sighed, carving a thick steak from the eel without taking her eyes off of mine.
I do believe Minerva has been spending some time with the carnivorous mermaids…
I picture all of this going on in a lavish dining room hung in gold velvet. Bee tee dubs.