Picking Up The Rainbow

Last weekend was a little bit busy and a whole lot wonderful, because both of our offspring came to visit — because we’re all vaccinated! And they brought their significant others! And their pets! We had quite the houseful.

All of this meant that the Auxilliary Writing Cave was needed for other things, which necessitated putting away the rainbow. We’re able to keep making headway on the story even in its absence, but will soon need to lay it out again.

Because not all the columns are filled for every row, laying things back down accurately can be a challenge. Eventually we’ll number the cards, but if we do that too early we end up re-re-renumbering them and that gets messy. The solution we’ve come up with is to pad everything out with blanks before we gather it up. That exercise also puts a point on those columns that have a lot more blanks, which sometimes is just the way things go but can indicate that we need to pay more attention to certain cast members.

A writing partner is someone to help you keep your rainbows in order.

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