Our Next Move
the eerie exhibition
- optimal number of dogs
- never fun for someone else’s drama to splash on you
- stroked the back of her hand over its rough surface
- both became fairly competent rappers over the years
Tune in next time part 804 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Our next move was apparently to remain stationary for a while longer wondering what the hell was going on. In a way it was ironic that Lyudmila and Jason were enemies, because they both became fairly competent rappers over the years. Seemed that way to me anyway, not that I considered myself an expert. But I began to wonder if this was the common thread that would explain the coded message.
Tessa ordered another pickle, saying it would help her think. I said I didn’t think that was wise, but she ignored me and stroked the back of her hand over its rough surface, so intent on this action that brine was flung from her fingers and got all over me. It’s never fun for someone else’s drama to splash on you, especially not when that drama is in the form of Contrarian pickle brine.
A hazy recollection rose up, something I’d overheard at one of Fleur’s family functions. “The optimal number of dogs is one cat…” and then there was more that I didn’t quite catch. But why would John’s sister be referencing Contrarian idioms in messages to my twin?
I swiveled on my barstool just in time to observe the eerie exhibition of two polarizing couches simultaneously running out of juice.
bonus points for using them in reverse order