Oksana Left Jim Unattended
at the prearranged time
- hide in the coat closet
- “If you’re lonely you can
- half the size of his thumb
- trying to get your money back at the tattoo parlor
Tune in next time part 474 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Oksana left Jim unattended, making this the best chance I would ever get to free him. I slithered over the rocky floor to where he lay chained, and started picking the locks before he even realized I was there.
“What are you doing? Stop!” he hissed.
“I’m saving you, dumbass!” I hissed back.
“You’re spoiling the whole gambit,” he whispered back. “This is our only way to find out who’s in league with Oksana. Until the bidders arrive at the prearranged time, you should just go hide in the coat closet. I’m fine, it’s all under control.”
“The coat closet of the yeti cavern? Jim, think this through. What’s going to happen to you?”
He grinned. “All under control. But, you might not see me for a while after this.” His grin widened. “If you’re lonely you can probably get Oksana to chain you up in my place. Now, get out of sight before someone shows up. The guard’s brain is about half the size of his thumb, but that won’t matter if he spots you.”
I slunk back to my hiding place. Arguing with Jim was like trying to get your money back at the tattoo parlor: he’d just talk you into paying even more to let him add to the problems. Hopefully he knew what he was talking about this time.
bonus points for using them in order
Forgive my little fumble with publishing this one.