“None of Us Know”
weird hiccup action
- spontaneous in origin and artistically harmonized
- Are you two brothers?
- kinda fun, in a spill-proof way
- slaughter any scouting parties we encountered
Tune in next time part 592 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“None of us know exactly how many others exist,” the Tessabot explained. “We’ve just run into each other now and then and shared info. My nickname is…” She rolled her eyes. “Do I have to tell you?”
I nodded.
Her voice dropped so much I could barely hear her say it. “The Toot Fairy.”
“Did you say ‘Tooth Fairy’?” I asked hopefully.
“No, the Toot Fairy,” she repeated. Each time she said the name there was some kind of weird hiccup action on the word ‘toot.’ She sighed. “There’s no real system to the nicknames; our goal was for them to be spontanous in origin and aritistically harmonized.”
“How about if I keep calling you Tessa?”
She nodded gratefully. “Even though it does sometimes give me an identity crisis.”
“That I can relate to,” I said. “Having a twin. As kids we seldom went around together, but anytime we did people would see us and ask, ‘Are you two brothers?‘”
She laughed.
I said, “We really do need to reach Twerkistan. Never mind the photographer, it’s a matter of basic survival.”
“Speak for yourself. I can last indefinitely in the wilderness. Being a TSS-A Unit has its advantages, and can be kinda fun, in a spill-proof way.”
“Spill-proof? And here I was counting on you to slaughter any scouting parties we encountered on the way.”
bonus points for using them in order