“No! Not a Poodle, a Paddle!”
they drank their soup
- postdated receipt
- you’re so inept
- He was giving her clothes!
- a fat paddle with a handle upside down
“No! Not a poodle, a paddle! A fat paddle with a handle upside down. You’re so inept.”
Simon, chagrined, led the dog away. Martin shook his head and sighed. What else had Simon screwed up?
A quick glance at his desk provided the answer in the form of a postdated receipt from the women’s department. This had Shirley’s signature all over it, as much as if it were literally inked onto the strip of paper. She loved to mess with Simon’s head, and now she was really taking advantage of him. He was giving her clothes!
Martin stalked down to the commissary to find Simon and Shirley at the same table. They drank their soup like old friends. It made Martin seethe with disapproval.