No Farmworker Would Have Dreamed
the rest of his orchestrated performance
- moving in slow, sensuous circles
- playing vixenish games
- You dolt! You’re freezing!
- mock anger crystallized into the real thing
- he heard a very feminine “oo-oh!”
- no farmworker would have dreamed
No farmworker would have dreamed that one of their own kind would have success in the high class world of cruise ship performers, but here Bubba was, standing in the wings, wearing his elaborately spangled costume, waiting to make his high-seas dance debut. He heard a very feminine “oo-oh!”, his cue to take the stage and begin moving in slow, sensuous circles with the other dancers around the female singer. The air conditioning was turned up full blast to cope with the heat generated by so many bodies exerting themselves, dancing and singing on stage, playing vixenish games backstage.
Finally it was Bubba’s moment to shine. The singer was singing her angry song, telling all the men how worthless they were. Bubba swooped in, just like they’d rehearsed it, and swept her high into the air above his head. But in that instant the singer’s mock anger crystallized into the real thing.
“You dolt! You’re freezing!” she hissed to Bubba.
After that Bubba found it difficult to go on with the rest of his orchestrated performance, but he remembered the other farmworkers who looked up to him, and that gave him the strength he needed to go on.
Whoah, Bubba…