My Silence Encouraged the Spy
I know that I shall go mad!
- outselling Rod Stewart
- fallen into a trance
- with decorative bullet holes
- Japanese lingerie maker
Tune in next time part 385 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My silence encouraged the spy to keep talking. “I take one look at the twisted sisters and I know that I shall go mad! With love! I know that I will do anything they ask of me, for if their beauty were a musical recording it would be outselling Rod Stewart, that’s how great it is.”
His eyes unfocused as if he’d fallen into a trance, and a small smile played at his lips. “They wore matching costumes, of course, with decorative bullet holes in some very revealing locations. I believe they were designed by a Japanese lingerie maker.”
This was maddening. I needed him to tell me more about the sisters, not their clothing! And specifically I needed to know which one had sent him on his mission.
bonus points for using them in order