My Proposal Swiftly Became Law
velvet patchwork coat
- almost glowing with serenity
- “Seems kind of hinky to me.”
- love when a sound repeats
- diplomats of any rank
Tune in next time part 824 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My proposal swiftly became law in this tiny kingdom, and it wasn’t long before I regretted it. The contestants would be getting their driver’s licenses by the time everyone had their chance to perform.
Time became soft and blurry with abrupt unexpected seams, much like the velvet patchwork coat worn by the baby who did the interpretive dance to Pagliacci. I dozed during the next one, a kind of modernist Morris dance by a cherub who was almost glowing with serenity. I thought I covered well, rousing myself to applaud politely, but the babe’s mother shot me a look that said, “Seems kind of hinky to me.”
It happened that there was a bit of an echo in the auditorium, which led to an awkward state of affairs. Something everyone knows about babies is how much they love when a sound repeats. An audience member sneezed, which echoed, which made several of the infants laugh, and their laughter echoed, which made more of them laugh, and so on. The chamber filled with a cacophony of mirth that could not be quelled by any number of consternated mommies or by diplomats of any rank, which only further delayed the conclusion of the entire business.
bonus points for using them in order