My Nemesis Pulled a Handkerchief From the Pocket
between forkfuls of pie
- a good elementary textbook
- “Those evil pricks
- rubbing his hands
- from the pocket of his greasy blue jacket
Tune In Next Time Part 24 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My nemesis pulled a handkerchief from the pocket of his greasy blue jacket and mopped his forehead with it. It did absolutely no good because it was as soaked with seawater as the rest of him.
“Those evil pricks from NSFW took Tessa and you’re just laying there, bleeding?”
“It wasn’t NSFW,” I lied. “It was Ninja Vision.”
In reality it wasn’t ninjas at all. Tessa had run off on her own, but I didn’t want John to know that. I laid there and winced at John rubbing his hands all over me in what I can only assume was an attempt to frisk me. He should brush up on his technique. I could even recommend a good elementary textbook on the topic if there wasn’t so much bad blood between us.
John erroneously concluded I was unarmed and left me laying in the sand to rescue Tessa from the Ninjas that didn’t have her. I pulled myself to my feet and leaned against the craft services table, watching him run slowly across the beach.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten, and there was a whole delicious spread right there on the table that was holding me up, so between forkfuls of pie I dug the bullet out of my thigh with a pair of chopsticks. I used the sterno flame from the chafing dish to cauterize the wound, and then I was ready to find Tessa and the treasure.