My Lace Jumpsuit Was So Tight
The tongue action is explicit
- We are not moving
- in a very satisfactory manner
- all the men were much too stupid and ugly to mate with
- “It’s gonna match. It’s gonna match. It’s gotta match.”
Tune in next time part 171 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My lace jumpsuit was so tight I could only indulge in one Scorpion Angel donut. My captor watched me eat it with unseemly glee in his eye and a bit of drool at the corner of his mouth. No matter how much I cajoled, he himself did not partake. When I had finished the last bite, he put his gun away and licked the powdered sugar from my fingertips. It was very unsettling, but my training had prepared me for things like that and I reacted calmly. The tongue action is explicit and precise in this kind of code, but you have to pay close attention to pick up the nuances.
“Well,” his tongue said. “Time to get going. Tessa is waiting for you.”
I allowed the man to herd me out of the donut shop. If he would lead me to Tessa, I would follow him practically anywhere.
Memory Lane was clogged with tourists on their way to the bachelor auction. My companion and I were trying to fight our way upstream.
He grabbed my hand and licked a message on my palm. “We are not moving in a very satisfactory manner.”
Suddenly the tide turned and all of the women surged in the opposite direction. From what I overheard, the bachelor auction was a bust because all the men were much too stupid and ugly to mate with, especially if you were expected to pay.
One of them, an Asian woman with green hair and cotton candy stains around her mouth, spotted a numbered tag fluttering from the zipper of my jumpsuit. She shrieked with delight and pulled a raffle ticket out of her pocket. She compared the numbers, chanting, “It’s gonna match. It’s gonna match. It’s gotta match.”
What would I do if I was this woman’s prize? I had to get to Tessa.
bonus points for using them in order