My Encounter with Small Dennis’s Naked Rump
eyes stinging
- I don’t like this woman for a variety of reasons
- no choir boy
- gymnastically arranging their bodies
- in a relatively sanitary fashion
Tune in next time part 873 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My encounter with Small Dennis’s naked rump left my eyes stinging and my ears ringing. I stepped backwards as quickly as I could and strongly considered just taking my half of the horse suit and bolting. But I couldn’t do that. It was my job to collect intelligence and figure out what Titania was up to. I don’t like this woman for a variety of reasons, but chief among them at this moment was that her presence kept me trapped inside a corduroy tube with my face mere inches from another dude’s ass. I’m no choir boy, and I don’t care about other people gymnastically arranging their bodies in whatever configurations please them (as long as it’s done in a relatively sanitary fashion), but Small Dennis was very much not my type.
On my back, Big Dennis stirred.
bonus points for using them in order