My Aunt Wore a Leather Aviators Cap
obvious ridiculousness of such a request
- contemplate how much hairstyles have changed
- breaking up their canoodling
- I can bring a wild duck
- misty and foggy and the rain started
Tune in next time part 313 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My aunt wore a leather aviators cap, and little else besides the goggles over her eyes. I remembered John saying she would only carry naked passengers and marveled at the obvious ridiculousness of such a request. But it was her plane and I really wanted off this damn island. I tried to keep my eyes on her face, but it was hard not to contemplate how much hairstyles have changed through the years in regards to intimate female grooming.
Xylona peered through the goggles at John and myself and said, “Wipe all that greasepaint off. I don’t want it all over my plane.” She tossed us each a rag. John happily complied, while I kept throwing looks back to the temple hut. I thought about racing back in to Tessa and Jove, breaking up their canoodling, and making her get on the plane with us. I’d been searching for her for so long, it felt like madness to leave her behind now. But she’d made her choice. For all I knew she was on an official mission. I cleaned the greasepaint off my chest with angry swipes of the rag.
“Does anyone have refreshments for the flight?” Aunt Xylona asked.
John glanced around the clearing. “I can bring a Wild Duck…”
“It’s called Wild Turkey,” I corrected. “But whatever you want to call it, bring at least two bottles.”
Our trio made our naked way to the nearby airstrip. My aunt’s plane was an old fashioned biplane, with two cockpits. That meant John and I had to squeeze in together in the front seat, and made me miss Tessa all the more. I’m not sure there would have been room for all three of us, but it would have been fun to try.
The weather since I emerged from the sewer had been misty and foggy, and the rain started as we began to taxi down the runway.
“Why can’t we wear clothes,” I demanded, as John planted himself in my lap and started fumbling with the seatbelt.
“Where we’re going we won’t need roads!” Xylona cried. “Or clothes!”
bonus points for using them in order