More Sultry, Spine-Chilling Whispers
this time nobody smelled the crocodile
- see where the bubbles form
- one of the downsides would be the pooping
- camping out on beanbag chairs
- moving in slow, sensuous circles
Tune in next time part 870 Click Here for Earlier Installments
More sultry, spine-chilling whispers reached me. I’d been too wrapped up in ninja speculations to keep up, and thus missed some of Titania’s lurid monologue.
“… this time nobody smelled the crocodile, which was disappointing. I had to make do with a masturbator alligator and see where the bubbles formed … ”
My mind reeled. I knew about the party she was describing. The infamous “Clown-Car Hot-Tub Convergence” of Minneapolis. Her sibilant narration continued.
“… is the main upside, while of course one of the downsides would be the pooping …”
She had to be baiting me. I hadn’t been at the CCHTC, not really, but several Academy classmates crashed it, camping out on beanbag chairs around the tub and taking notes like crazy. It was generally visualized as frothing, particolored chaos, like a birthday cake tossed into a tank of voracious piranhas, but those who were there reported a far different vibe. There was indeed some colorful foam on that hot tub, but it was moving in slow, sensuous circles on gentle, though kinky, currents of lust.
What I heard next was the most confusing thing so far.
bonus points for using them in order