Minka Stiletto’s Office
full of arrows like Saint Sebastian
- raised the banyans
- but the green light’s not on yet
- I like perfection
- a little too organic
Tune In Next Time Part 53 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Minka Stiletto’s office had changed since my last visit. Under a vast glass roof, she inhabited a captive jungle filled with bizarre plants. Mounds of flat stones rose from the centers of several indoor ponds, water cascading over their terraced layers like champagne fountains. They raised the banyans that grew on their summits so the upper branches brushed the roof and the myriad aerial prop roots reached down and down into the mirrorlike surfaces of the ponds. Strange cacti displayed gigantic spines that made them appear full of arrows like Saint Sebastian. A chlorophyl patina imbued every surface with the semblance of an inner emerald glow, which, combined with the pungent scent and humidity, made the space seem a little too organic. I like perfection in my overdone decorating schemes, and Minka had failed to achieve it despite the natural grandeur.
She placed me on a mossy couch and told me I could get up when the green light came on. “When that happens I won’t even try to stop you, but the green light’s not on yet. Or is it?” Her laughter echoed among the banyan roots and fountaining cairns. And I realized, with everything in my surroundings tinted green, a green light would be all but invisible.