Maybe This Was A Lucky Break
“Now, there’s an exhibition of ball control,”
- a girl who’d never been touched in a barn
- also making tiaras
- iconic red and white stripes
if thrown at your brother’s head
Tune in next time part 596 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Maybe this was a lucky break for me in my pursuit of Jessamin. This time she wouldn’t know I was so near. There was no way she could have known I would be arriving here, when I hadn’t even known it myself. But it was hard to shake the feeling that it fit her pattern perfectly for her to have gotten here first.
As thoughts about my villainous sister swirled in my head, I shifted my damp clothing around in hopes of drying it faster. Tessa sat in silence for a long time, until at last she said, “Now, there’s an exhibition of ball control,” at which I glanced down and noticed for the first time how close to her nose my giraffe bikinis were.
“Pardon me, not much room to operate in here.”
“No, it’s quite alright. The animal print is… evocative. I mean, did you think I was a girl who’d never been touched in a barn?”
I looked pointedly at the print on my briefs. “Must have been a tall barn.”
She nodded. “It had four levels. The animals stayed on the first two, and the upper ones were used for offices and also making tiaras for the animals to wear. But, none of this is important right now. What are we going to do when we get to Twerkistan?”
I recalled the last time I’d actually been in the same room with Jessamin, that she had been wearing the iconic red and white stripes of the family banner as a cape, and holding a conch shell in her hand. And she’d asked me, “Did you know that a shell like this, if thrown at your brother’s head, will knock him out long enough to get you a decent head-start?”
bonus points for using them in order