Magic Spells Were Way Outside My Area of Expertise
if they intend to keep their trousers on
- he likes to sing along
- army of gargoyle angels
- astroturf vest
- “I was very much surprised.”
Tune in next time part 281 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Magic spells were way outside my area of expertise. At the Academy that sort of thing is studied only by nerds, and only then if they intend to keep their trousers on until well after graduation. Tesla had never struck me as that sort of girl. It made me wonder where she got her information.
Whether or not there was magic involved, the weird, robed dude was waving a bug sprayer around and I really didn’t want to get a faceful of whatever he had on offer. I slowed my pedaling to a pace that kept us even with the boat ramp despite the current, but I didn’t approach.
“You know this guy?” I asked Tesla.
“Oh come on, you must remember him!” she said. “He was at the Academy at the same time we were. He likes to sing along with that group of students that sounds like an army of gargoyle angels.”
“You mean the choir?” The Academy was not known for its arts programs.
She snapped the fingers of both hands and pointed at me. “That’s what they called themselves! Remember how they always wore those astroturf vests?”
“The first time I saw them perform,” I said, “I was very much surprised.”
I squinted through the murk at the madman on the shore. He and his conspiracy theories and his fancy squirt gun were all that stood between me and an escape from the sewer. I decided to go for it. I didn’t believe in magic, and I could hold my breath for a really long time, at least long enough to get past him. With much determination I applied my feet to the swan boat’s pedals.
“No!” Tesla shrieked.
She reached down between my legs, and with surprising strength, twisted the pedal mechanism into a knot. We immediately began drifting with the current, away from the boat ramp.
It was then that I realized that I was up shit creek without a pedal.
Oh, well played. I mean, that’s horrible, but I’m so jealous you’re the one who came up with it.