Lolita Panned Around The Garden
Character – retired pearl diver
- Setting – botanical garden
- Object – camcorder
- Situation – quitting the order
Lolita panned around the garden with the camcorder, looking for the best view. The orchid display was exceptional, the delicate white and pink flowers providing startling contrast to the black rubber worn by all of today’s participants.
Lolita made sure the camera was white-balanced properly and sat back to wait.
Gustav and Yoko were finally ready. Their wetsuits got harder for them to struggle into each year.
After the swearing in of the initiates, it was finally time for the retirement ceremony. Lolita started filming, then left the tripod. Gustav and Yoko looked warmly at her, extending their hands for the ritual handshake.
Lolita choked back tears as they removed her triple-strand pearl necklace and oxygen tank. After the ceremonial returning of the flippers, it was all over.