“Just how drunk are you?”
the kind of tipsy where I should want to hug everyone
- I’ll be using your name
- filled a room with balloons
- suspended above that giant cocktail glass
- “Oh, it *smells* like chocolate, too!”
Tune in next time part 561 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Just how drunk are you?” I asked my brother.
He lisp-whispered back, “I’m not drunk. I’m the kind of tipsy where I should want to hug everyone, but have you seen these guests? No, thank you!”
“When will you take the stage?” I hoped to be able to make my getaway while he had everyone entranced.
“I won’t be,” he lispered. “Instead, I’ll be using your name, Arlo, to check into the honeymoon suite. The hotel staff filled a room with balloons for the happy couple, all of them inflated with air from the Svenborgian Alps. In the bathroom there is a bathtub shaped like a martini glass, and suspended above that giant cocktail glass is a bubblebath dispenser. It might seem a little weird, because the liquid is brown and looks like chocolate syrup. But it makes you look like you have a great tan.” He grabbed a forkful of my dubious dessert. “Oh, it smells like chocolate, too!”
I was familiar with Svenborgian fauxcocoa and its mildly hallucinogenic properties. If the woman beside me had been the real Tessa, I would have been disappointed not to partake with her. As it was, Jason was welcome to it. As long as as I had an opportunity to escape the island.
bonus points for using them in order