Joseph Made a Habit
sneering at cultures
- commodity as fetish
- aped the follies and vices
- “Shell? Milk? Moon? Jasmine? Crystal? Snowflake?
- coupled with cruelty
Joseph made a habit of sneering at cultures lacking decadence, peoples who simply aped the follies and vices of wild animals pursuing crude gratification. So when traveling to Svenborgia, he naturally booked his ticket on the official national airline. And naturally, he flew first class.
“Shell? Milk? Moon? Jasmine? Crystal? Snowflake?” importuned the stewardess. Her almond eyes and alabaster complexion marked her as deep-lineage Svenborgian. Ah, theirs was a truly magnificent decadence: commodity as fetish.
“Alabaster,” replied Joseph with a wink. The stewardess laid aside her tray and led him to the lavatory, where they kissed with sang-froid and coupled with cruelty.
Joseph must be nouveau riche if he’s going to a dump like Svenborgia. Grenyarnia FTW!