Jim was the Kind of Guy
played the piano occasionally dressed only in a towel
- sweet but also slightly tart nectar
- we mapped our hometown carefully
- by an unidentified hand with red ink
- as far as my layman’s eye could see
Tune in next time part 813 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Jim was the kind of guy who played the piano occasionally dressed only in a towel, so it only made sense that he named his dog after himself. His ego knew no bounds. He once told me that women craved him like a sweet but also slightly tart nectar. And mostly they did. When Jason and I were kids we mapped our hometown carefully, and one day we found that our map was covered with hearts drawn by an unidentified hand with red ink. Jim later admitted to marking the homes of each of his girlfriends. As far as my layman’s eye could see, he had one on every street.
And he also had a dog named James, so when I called that name out in the puppet theater, it got his attention. He looked startled to see me.
bonus points for using them in order