“Jessamin’s Twin is Benjamin”
political performance art
- puked up feathers
- Just be glad you don’t have to wear them.
- cold, damp, and comfortable
- complete with all the hot-dog inspired accessories
Tune in next time part 597 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Jessamin’s twin is Benjamin,” I said. “Where she excels at villainy, he’s obsessed with political performance art. The last piece of his that I saw had him wearing a wad of puked up feathers to represent America’s relationship with the Canary Islands. Before his performance he said to me, ‘Just be glad you don’t have to wear them. They’re cold, damp, and comfortable enough to not cause lasting damage, but just barely.’ I told him nobody was making him wear them, and he told me I was wrong. His muse demanded that he dress that way, complete with all the hot-dog inspired accessories, and the mittens.” I shook my head.
“Why are you telling me about Benjamin?” Tessa asked.
“Wherever Jessamin goes, Benjamin follows. We’ll likely run into both of them and I want you to know what to expect.”
bonus points for using them in order