Jem and Jem Tittered
because we walk on them all the time
- joined by the Professor’s girlfriend
- “You are irresponsible!”
- meet in the parking lot
- the limited demands of the animals
Tune in next time part 198 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Jem and Jem tittered at my awkwardness.
“We’re good at balancing on corpses,” Jemma said.
“That’s because we walk on them all the time,” added Jemima.
Jim sounded agitated. “We should have been joined by the Professor’s girlfriend by now. That woman is irresponsible.”
“You are irresponsible!” came a shrill shout. A one-legged woman stood on the far side of the room, waving a sheet of paper. “Because of you, the Professor’s been kidnapped!” She held the note still for a moment, and I could read it plainly because the pasted-on letters were so large.
“Bring us acorns and worms! Be ready to meet in the parking lot at dusk. No dogs!”
Jim, Jemma, and Jemima said, in breathy unison, “The squirrels have aligned with the birds.”
I took advantage of their stupor over the limited demands of the animals to leap from the operating table and squelch rapidly out of the room.
bonus points for using them in order