“It’s Time to Get You Presentable”
wear that light blue sports jacket with your cream-colored trousers
- conceal her nudity from strangers
- her temperamental, boundaryless sidekick
- has a urologist on call
- opens the umbrella, but that’s not going to work
Tune in next time part 478 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“It’s time to get you presentable,” Oksana said. “We’re giving you a sort of dissipated restauranteur look, so you’ll wear that light blue sports jacket with your cream-colored trousers. Why are you still on the floor? Get up! Oh.” She paused and unlocked his restraints, producing a key from an impossible pocket in the taut white fur jumpsuit she had chosen as a way to conceal her nudity from strangers. “Now, hurry up and get dressed.”
Jim made his odd, keening bird call again as he donned the garments Oksana accepted from her temperamental, boundaryless sidekick yeti. It’s costume was quite obviously too tight, especially in certain key zones. “I hope he has a urologist on call,” I muttered.
Everyone froze. Dammit, I thought, I know how much my voice resonates in caverns and tunnels! I stayed still as Oksana used hand gestures to direct her furry minions in their search. I was doomed to be found. My stillness was like a man with an umbrella who steps into an avalanche, then opens the umbrella, but that’s not going to work. I had only seconds to come up with a plan, with both my life and my brother’s hanging in the balance.
bonus points for using them in order