It Wasn’t Until The Catamaran Sped Away
This is just inexplicable.
- four-day mission to Moscow
- outside of the laboratory
- noticed a strange mark
- scheme to make some easy cash
Tune in next time part 402 Click Here for Earlier Installments
It wasn’t until the catamaran sped away, leaving me splashing a quarter-mile from the shores of Disco Island, that I considered the effect this dip would have on my uniform. This is just inexplicable. The uniform was the best part of being a general, at least so far. And in light of where my garrisons were located, I doubted I would ever go on a four-day mission to Moscow, so wearing a snazzy uniform was likely to remain the thing that gave me the greatest job satisfaction for quite some time.
As I swam toward the jagged rocks, I monitored the position of the zeppelin. The mimes have no docking spire, but their island’s steep formation was a natural substitute. They had a gangway that could be extended from the mountainside so that visiting vessels could tie up. It was located just outside of the laboratory, meaning I had no hope of getting there ahead of Jim. The airship was being tied fast when I slogged out of the briny waves and clung to the boulders to catch my breath.
As the seawater drained from my clothes, I scouted for a place to make my ascent. The tide was in, but I noticed a strange mark like the imprint of a starfish on a chunk of basalt about seven feet above the waterline. A wave crashed, soaking me again and almost dragging me off the rocks. Even without the cinder blocks, and even though Tessa and John were nowhere in sight, my situation was beginning to remind me of the betrayal under the boardwalk. I missed those simpler times, when my life was put in peril over a scheme to make some easy cash. Now, I hardly understood why any of this was happening.
bonus points for using them in order