It Had Been So Very Long
magic in the mouth
- uttering an exclamation of surprise
- sing like an alien
- used to be a rodeo champ
- say 53 more hilarious things
Tune in next time part 527 Click Here for Earlier Installments
It had been so very long since I saw her. I was awestruck anew by her beauty.
“Tessa,” I breathed, and her name was like magic in the mouth.
She said my name like she was uttering an exclamation of surprise, and yanked me into the bungalow by my lapels.
“I should have known you’d show up,” she said, cupping my face in her hands and staring into my eyes. “Wherever there is karaoke, there you are, ready to sing like an alien who used to be a rodeo champion on his home planet.” She went on to say 53 more hilarious things about my passion for the art of the empty orchestra, but I was too stunned to make note of them all. Tessa — my darling Tessa, love of my life — was wearing a wedding dress. It was for her reception that the PSLM² were rehearsing, her reception at which Jason was going to rap. Henry the faux-cowboy was here to win her back. But who was she marrying on this fateful day?
bonus points for using them in order