In the Past
with glitter and colored glass
- even on a dare
- It’s another ritual.
- The internet’s first conspiracy theory
- He probably thought you were trying to trap him
Tune in next time part 519 Click Here for Earlier Installments
In the past when I received a letter like Marnie’s, it came in a box filled with glitter and colored glass slippers I would never wear, not even on a dare. Some people might think the whole thing is a test or a joke, but it’s not. It’s another ritual. Contrarian, of course.
The internet’s first conspiracy theory was about Contrarian rituals, and most of the conspiracies since have been, too, even if inadvertently. Contrarian rituals are complex and ubiquitous. How could I extract poor Marnie Glockenspiel from this ritual she didn’t even know she was participating in?
I heard Svetlana say, “I don’t think your husband was kidnapped at all. He probably thought you were trying to trap him, and fled. Men do that, you know.”
“Oh, but I was trying to trap him!” Marnie declared.
bonus points for using them in order