In the Darkened Room
Character – Russian game show host
- Setting – behind enemy lines
- Object – model trail
- Situation – seance
In the darkened room, objects moved though on one was touching them. Some of this was due to the tanks rumbling by, and some due to spirit activity.
The medium and the game show host sat on opposite sides of the small table. Gradually all fell silent.
“Are you here, Mikhail?” the medium asked softly.
There was a rapping sound from the table. “Comrade Bagski, you may talk to Mikhail.”
“Well, Mikhail, answer this one right and you win the model train. Ready?”
The table rose and began to twirl.
“Good! Okay, rap once for true and twice for false: The Romanovs got what they deserved.”
Two distinct rapping sounds were heard.
The medium was troubled.
“Comrade, isn’t this a very touchy subject for a game?”
Bagski brushed it off.
“It’s the people’s model train anyway, he can’t keep it.”
“For a couple of reasons.”
A sudden bomb-burst shook dust from the ceiling and halted conversation.