I’m Not Going To Help You
“No! You will!”
- creepy claymation ballet
- something had come out of her body
- “Take off your shirt, please.”
- no idea how much blood
Tune in next time part 132 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“I’m not going to help you topple any governments,” I said.
“No! You will!” Tallulah shouted.
“I’m retired,” I grunted. The janitor tipped his hat as he left, and I had to look away from that amused hunger in his eyes. So I ended up facing the mirror, where I saw my erotic predicament altered by the rapid flickering of the fluorescent lights into a creepy claymation ballet.
A glint in the mirror drew my gaze to the floor where Tallulah’s many layers of disguise all lay in macabre disarray. Specifically to the Tessa disguise, which looked much like Tessa would if she were napping on the floor after something had come out of her body and taken most of her insides with it. The glint came from the wig. It seemed to be a camera, and it was maneuvering for a better angle as I stared at its reflection.
“Take off your shirt, please.” The voice was tinny.
“He already did,” Tallulah said. “I made the same mistake the first time. But it’s just hair.”
“That’s it,” I said. “This has to stop.”
Tallulah clenched her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She whispered to me, “There will be blood if we don’t see this through. You have no idea how much blood.”
bonus points for using them in order