“I’ll Meet You There!”
feels like I’m being eaten
- blue velvet throw pillows
- wearing a pink ski jacket
- a phonebooth in Denver
- make him play beatnik bongos
Tune in next time part 584 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“I’ll meet you there!” Jeff yelled after us. I didn’t know what he was talking about, nor did I care. I was just glad to be free of that bathtub, where the ghostly viscount had to remain.
“I can’t get on the boat, of course,” he called out. “But I have made travel arrangements. It’s not the most pleasant way to take a trip. It feels like I’m being eaten by a flock of blue velvet throw pillows while their shepherd stands there wearing a pink ski jacket and playing some bullshit game on his phone. And that’s business class! Anyway,” his voice still rang out to me even as the Tessabot dragged me farther and farther down the pier, “my paperwork came through for a transfer to a phonebooth in Denver.” After a pause, he added, “I guess you won’t get there by boat either. Well, good luck!”
Tessa halted next to a ten-meter sailboat. I couldn’t see its name, but its skipper was lounging on the foredeck in a speedo and a nautical Nehru jacket. Tessa elbowed me in the ribs and gesticulated with her face until I caught on that she wanted me to do the talking.
“Can we get a ride?” I asked the languid captain.
He shot me a disapproving glance. He said in a gruff voice, “Anybody asks me that, I make him play beatnik bongos. And then we see how things go from there.”
bonus points for using them in order