“If You Don’t Want to Live by the Dictates of Robots”
the white fish of the Kentucky caves, for instance
- Grandma was even worse
- texture is almost mousse-like
- To say that I don’t understand much of modern art
- is like baking a cake without a pan
Tune in next time part 757 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“If you don’t want to live by the dictates of robots, Zeus Pamplemousse,” I asked, “why did you appoint them to all the posts in the lunar government?”
“Because they don’t need oxygen, obviously,” he sneered. “There is no oxygen in my Moon Kingdom, as you would know if you had more brains than, say, the white fish of the Kentucky caves, for instance.”
My grandfather was very rude. Grandma was even worse. But neither of them held a candle to the arrogance of this man, this self-appointed Moon King who held my beloved Tessa hostage to his whims.
“Have you even been to the moon?” I asked.
“Of course! I personally placed all the robots in Parliamoont Hall. Mother Moon is a beautiful place, with immense gray expanses. The texture is almost mousse-like underfoot.”
To say that I don’t understand much about modern art is like baking a cake without a pan – completely incorrect. I understand a lot about modern art, and I was sure that arranging for a crowd of robots to argue about politics on the surface of the moon was the most audacious art installation of the modern era. Not that that would help me pry Tessa out the moon maniac’s arms.
bonus points for using them in order