If I Recalled Correctly
an ostrich almost killed Johnny
- “Ineffable!”
- used only for hand-to-hand combat
- circled his thumbs
- part of me is starting to think maybe I might be kind of ready to think about
Tune in next time part 883 Click Here for Earlier Installments
If I recalled correctly, it was also William Penn XII who started a stampede of the Academy’s livestock that time when an ostrich almost killed Johnny (as John was known in his youth). Was Small Dennis trying to warn me that William was planning an ostrich stampede in the petting zoo? I hadn’t spent much time with my brother-in-law, but it didn’t seem like the sort of thing he would do.
Perhaps I should incorporate the 12 from William’s name into my BareCheeks deciphering? If I did that the message became “Ineffable!”
That’s the sort of word we at the Academy used only for hand-to-hand combat. Surely Small Dennis would not be so bold as to throw a word such as Ineffable around willynilly. I straightened up to my full height and studied Small Dennis’s hands. My eyes circled his thumbs several times before I concluded I had nothing to fear from him. His thumbs were as small as the rest of him.
Was I reading too much into this? Was the BareCheeks cipher a red herring?
Part of me is starting to think maybe I might be kind of ready to think about maybe getting out of the spy business. It does a real number on my head sometimes.
When was the last time I’d slept? Or eaten?
bonus points for using them in order