I Wished Tessa Had Taught Me
like an oversized elevator
- my newly acquired Martian tongue
- really vivid part of my memory
- “I want to touch her, too!”
- Sniffed again.
Tune in next time part 77 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I wished Tessa had taught me her ninja stealth, so I could roam the train unnoticed and track down my contorting seductress. Oh well. I wasn’t sure what I meant to do if I found her anyway. I spent the remainder of the journey in the compartment, taking my time about putting on Svetlana’s leotard. It gave both the material and my inhibitions time to relax.
At the station, my appearance drew much attention. Too much. I covered my overly sleek attire with a trench coat snatched off an unattended pile of baggage, and dashed out to the street.
Fortunately, the train station borders the city’s arts quarter, where I was able to blend in. Another man in a sequined leotard three sizes too small approached up the sidewalk. He paused when he reached me, saying, “That coat fits you like an oversized elevator, and without it you’d be an oversexed escalator. Come upstairs and I’ll show you my newly acquired Martian tongue. It’s not a fake, boy, don’t even think that. I brought it home from my last trek to the red planet. You know it’s nothing like that silly movie? It has a lot of dust, though, that’s a really vivid part of my memory. Maybe you could come along next time? You look like the adventuresome, spacey type.”
I probably should have declined the invitation, but I hoped to obtain less conspicuous clothing. Seemed like a long shot, but I was desperate.
The next several hours are lost to me, except for my own repeated yells of, “I want to touch her, too!” I woke up on a bench, back at the boardwalk, in the middle of the night. In place of Svetlana’s leotard, I wore a police uniform. I blinked. Behind my bench, someone or something sniffed. Sniffed again. And growled.
bonus points for using them in order