I Watched the Boat Sail Away

  • by jena journalist will leap from a bush
  • poured out of her mouth like bees
  • teeth are pointy
  • I know I got high
  • just inside the tree line

Tune in next time part 587    Click Here for Earlier Installments

I watched the boat sail away into the setting sun. When I could no longer see it, I turned to study our new surroundings. I am always wary in a new location. My family is notorious, and I am married to the Contrarian Warlord’s daughter. I never know when a journalist will leap from a bush and wave a camera or a microphone in my face. It happens all the time, as I’m sure you’ve noticed in this tale of mine.

The beach was pebbly. Beyond the high-tide line, snow blanketed everything, obscuring the terrain, the greenery, and any lurking journalists. I led Tessa along the shore, searching for any signs of habitation. The first thing we found was a fountain with a statue of a nude woman in the center. Icicles poured out of her mouth like bees from a bursting balloon, and the carved balloon she held above her head was full of stinging insects.

“Wow,” said Tessa. “Her teeth are pointy!” She seemed to miss the significance.

I know I got higher scores than you on the SAT,” I said, “but surely you recognize Buzzlyncia, the Contrarian goddess of Tabloid Journalism.”

“Are we in Contraria then?” she asked.

Before I could answer I caught sight of movement just inside the tree line, and then the unmistakable whir and click of a high-speed camera shutter. “Cover your face!” I cried. “They’ve found us!”

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