I Was Having So Much Trouble
that weird interdimensional thing from the internet
- someone to share a rowboat with
- “Squirrels are sort of cute and fuzzy.
- and then he did some weirdo stuff
- “Give him another pill.”
Tune in next time part 922 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I was having so much trouble remembering names, soon I might forget my own.
“I see you found my hint,” said the unknown person behind the shower curtain. “Took you long enough. Now, pass it in here so I can put it on.”
“Hang on,” I said. “We both want something, and if I give you this then I’ll lose what little leverage I have, and you won’t give me the phone.” A thought hit me. “Which you obviously don’t have anyway, because if you could control these nanobots then I wouldn’t be able to refuse your demand. Shit.”
“Actually, we both want the same thing,” he said. “That phone. It has many dangerous apps, including one that opens up that weird interdimensional thing from the internet, and a rideshare app that only lets you call someone to share a rowboat with. Now, pass me the vrobe and let’s get moving.”
I pondered. There was no reason for me to believe anything he said, and he’d just admitted that he didn’t have what I needed. And yet, it did seem like there was some connection here, that he could help me unlock my own past. I stared at the vrobe. With it, my new acquaintance could cover himself up. Covering things up was the reverse of what I wanted. So I said, “Squirrels are sort of cute and fuzzy. What about you? Why not just come on out?”
He cursed under his breath, and then he did some weirdo stuff that I couldn’t see but it sounded super weird, and then the drain started gurgling. After a minute, it fell silent.
“Hello?” I called. I whipped the shower curtain aside to discover no one was there.
One of the salamanders on the wall said to the one beside it, “Give him another pill.”
bonus points for using them in order