I Wanted to Stop the Man in the Pink Bathrobe
they castrated people all the time
- no choice but to watch him go
- the only dollar he had
- stepped purposefully out into the living room
- the blue of an equatorial sky
Tune in next time part 273 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I wanted to stop the man in the pink bathrobe and ask him if my brothers still ruled this island, and if — as they did a decade ago — they castrated people all the time, but he moved so quickly that I had no choice but to watch him go through the door like he was chasing the only dollar he had left in the world.
Tesla and I looked at each other, then turned to flee and ran straight into the arms of our beefy mime escorts. The two of them were utterly silent as they twisted our arms behind our backs and marched us through the door into the shack. Inside was a sort of cloak room, with another door at the other end. The mimes blocked the exit and glared at us until we opened the inner door and stepped purposefully out into the living room of the shack.
The walls were painted the blue of an equatorial sky, and the ceiling was obscured by multitudes of tropical birds fashioned from colorful balloons. Across the green shag carpet from where Tesla and I stood, my brothers Jupiter and Jove sat regally side-by-side on the backs of prostrated clowns, casually toasting marshmallows with their fiery exhalations.
But what made my blood run cold was their matching ringmaster garb. Things were much more dire than I had ever imagined.
bonus points for using them in order