I Wanted to Say So Many Things
cemented to the top of my mouth
- Or maybe you do
- technique I call “Goldfishing”
- People were actually pretty impressed when I told them
- caused by “human error.”
Tune in next time part 544 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I wanted to say so many things, things I should have said to Tessa years ago. Things I should have said to the real Tessa, and this wasn’t her. But it didn’t matter, because when I tried to speak it felt like I had a bald snow tire cemented to the top of my mouth. From her smile, I could tell that the Tessabot was pleased with this post-hypnotic outcome.
“You don’t know what trouble you’re about to cause,” sniveled Arlo. “Or maybe you do, and you just don’t care.”
Trouble for you can only be a good thing, I thought. I thought it real loud, because I still couldn’t talk. With a bit of patience I knew I’d overcome the mental block through a technique I call “Goldfishing” that I taught myself when I was in detention at the Academy. People were actually pretty impressed when I told them I’d used the time so productively. It certainly helped to divert suspicion about the bus accidents befalling faculty members who assigned me detention, all of which were officially said to have been caused by “human error.”
But for the time being, I was mostly under Tessa’s control. The Tessabot, who couldn’t feel love. What she had me do next came as quite a shock.
bonus points for using them in order