I Shrugged Pointedly at Fleur
No, a different deranged man.
- Can we talk about how close you and your plumber are
- a strange and curious inscription
- “Silver Thursday”
- it’s a competitive world
Tune in next time part 841 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I shrugged pointedly at Fleur. Infant talent shows are their own world, and, believe me, it’s a competitive world. I refused to jeopardize my own safety by being the one to declare the winner, not after that whole “Silver Thursday” debacle from my Academy days. My wife and her sister cooked up this whole escapade. Let them figure it out.
Fleur’s glare etched a strange and curious inscription in the air, leaving no doubt that she was displeased. I hadn’t seen a look like that since our honeymoon when she ambushed me with a big “Can we talk about how close you and your plumber are?” conversation, having mistaken a picture of Tessa in her Sexy Super Mario costume for the real thing.
Tessa leaned in and whispered, “Your wife looks like a serial killer.”
On my other side, Jim shook his head. “No, a different deranged man. An evil hypnotist, maybe.”
bonus points for using them in reverse order