“I Really Have To Object”
shaped like natural birds
- tight-pressed against her bosom
- vibrating sensuously
- party where I met Jim
- take out his penis at his desk
Tune in next time part 480 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“I really have to object,” I huffed. Oksana narrowed her eyes, so I rolled mine. Of course I was going to acquiesce, but just as Jason would I needed to drag things out a bit. For dramatic effect.
As I hiked up my coat and the vest with the silver buttons so she could inspect my lower back, I was a little nervous. The scars at the base of my spine were shaped like natural birds, and I hoped she’d decide they passed. After a minute she harrumphed, so I straightened up and turned to face her. She still had her phone out, tight-pressed against her bosom. Her expression was unreadable. Just as she seemed about to speak, she got a call. Her phone’s buzzing distracted her, leaving her vibrating sensuously along with it.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” I wisecracked. Her quivering little smile reminded me of the party where I met Jim‘s longest-term girlfriend, Roxie. Roxie stood out in my memory, because she became my stalker and targeted me for carnal ambush from time to time. A man tends to remember a woman who liked to take out his penis at his desk, which she’d been hiding underneath. (Underneath the desk, obviously.)
“What was that, Roxie?” I muttered.
Oksana and Jim each shot me a sharp look.
bonus points for using them in order