I Needed a Very Enthusiastic Team
bitter cold assailed me.
- who don’t sell goat-milk candy
- vortex of mystery, heartbreak, and intrigue
- the president in a weird jumpsuit
- Real gung ho.
Tune in next time part 466 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I needed a very enthusiastic team for this mission. Real gung ho. Lucky for me, the yodeler brigade was stocked with just this kind of fanatical adrenaline junkie. Unfortunately, none of those Contrarian lunatics could have cared less about my brother, so to rile them up I showed them pictures of the president in a weird jumpsuit, neglecting to point out that he was also my brother.
“Bravery alone will not help you in the mountains,” Doctor Nanna said. “The storm raging right now over Hughshel Knot Pass is a vortex of mystery, heartbreak, and intrigue. Your soldiers–”
“They’re yodelers,” I corrected.
She blinked once, slowly. “Your yodelers do not understand the alpine wilderness. Make use of the locals. But hire only guides who don’t sell goat-milk candy as a side hustle. They need to be focused on getting you to the yeti caverns.”
“We are re-uh-haa-dy!” chorused my expeditionary force. I gestured for the doors to be opened, and a howling wind and bitter cold assailed me.
bonus points for using them in reverse order