I Lost a Lot of Sleep
I lost a lot of sleep
- save for spasmodic jumping
- sing and rejoice
- According to your own statistics
- already shedding clothes
Tune In Next Time Part 44 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I lost a lot of sleep a decade ago when I heard that my beloved Great Uncle Jinx’s plane went down in the Andes. I don’t remember much about what I did with all those hours of insomnia, save for spasmodic jumping back and forth between the two twin mattresses, my cell being too small for effective pacing. Seeing him alive now should make me want to sing and rejoice, but instead it filled me with questions.
“According to your own statistics, Uncle Jinxy,” I said, very carefully not lisping, “we stand a better chance outside, where we have room to scatter.” I knew damn well that Jinx Damocles believed no such thing. This was a test to smoke out yet another potential impostor in a week already too full of them.
Jinx Damocles stared at me with his one good eye. “If that were your plan, you’d be already shedding clothes.”
I grinned. It was really him!
bonus points for using them in order