I Loomed Over the Acrobat
distributed bellbottoms and cocaine
- what they would later discover to be toothpaste
- they get quite good at it
- trouble with the opposite sex
- kissing for an hour, or how ever long it is
Tune in next time part 390 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I loomed over the acrobat, initiating a staring contest to keep him cowed while I thought this through. That he’d lie about who sent him was hardly surprising, but he was trying to pin something on Svetlana or Lyudmila specifically. He’d learned a lot about them, just about everything except for their names.
He blinked. I sneered triumphantly, but in truth my corneas felt like salted raisins and I was glad to be able to shut my own lids for a moment. But I had to project strength. I was a General!
There were several possible groups this French (if he was really French) fop might be working for. There was the Fifty-Fours, who distributed bellbottoms and cocaine along the circus-train routes. There was Hepcat Peccadillo, a radical artists’ collective that forced the evacuation of three different embassies, flummoxing bomb squads with what they would later discover to be toothpaste. There were too many others to list them all. These organizations recruit the misfits and loners, they get quite good at it over the years, focusing on subjects whose fashion sense causes them trouble with the opposite sex.
I fixed my prisoner with a steely gaze once again. “What did she promise you, then? How did she compel your service? Was it money? Prestige? Or carnal rewards?”
He smirked. “When next I see her, we will be kissing for an hour, or how ever long it is being enjoyable to be kissing. That seems like a long time to me, but she made her voice very sexy when she said it and I agreed.”
Now I knew he was lying. Neither of the sisters would have been able to say that with a straight face. They hated kissing.
“You might want to stop wasting my time,” I said in a low, menacing voice.
“And you might be curious to know what has been going on in your absence,” the acrobat/spy simpered.
bonus points for using them in order