I Looked At Tessa, And She Shrugged
feels like the action of an insane person
- She made a pig-sound.
- lounging on a large boat with a man
- seashells in their pocket?
- YouTube channel where he showcases his favorite accordion songs
Tune in next time part 586 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I looked at Tessa, and she shrugged. I scowled at her, and she smirked.
“Shouldn’t we argue the point?” I asked. “Debarking upon these unknown shores feels like the action of an insane person.”
She made a pig-sound. It was extremely lifelike, doubtless a high-quality audio file stored somewhere in her databanks. And it was obviously all the answer I would get. She was tired of lounging on a large boat with a man who wouldn’t tell us his name, tired of hearing me play the bongos. I looked at the chilly peaks jutting from the waves just ahead of us, and tried one more time.
“Who wouldn’t rather be dropped off someplace tropical, where they might find soft sand between their toes and seashells in their pocket?”
She shook her head. I could tell she knew something about this archipelago.
The captain found a place where he could get close enough for us to avoid getting wet as we alit on the rugged coast. He never did reveal his name, only the link to his YouTube channel where he showcases his favorite accordion songs.
bonus points for using them in order