I Know That For a Lot of Couples
have some tea, some popcorn, some kale
- “There are balloons.”
- worried about the poachers
- I met a man with seven wives
- also the smartest and the strongest
Tune in next time part 362 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I know that for a lot of couples there’s a great deal of ceremony around intercourse, and they can’t proceed unless they have some tea, some popcorn, some kale, and a bushel of lemons. But Tessa and I are not so formal. Peeking around the top hat, she said, “There are balloons.”
“You should be chasing Olga right now,” I said, while I made that impossible. But Tessa clearly wasn’t worried about the poachers among the White Faces or what they might do with the sample. She assured me I didn’t have have to worry, either, while she made worrying impossible.
Working undercover my first year out of the Academy, I met a man with seven wives, all ex. He told me the trouble with his all marriages was because of woman number eight, the one he never married. There in the sun on the sand at the scene of my recent victory in combat, I was becoming ever more sure that Tessa was my woman number eight.
“… and also the smartest and the strongest,” she was saying.
Flattery. Huh. That proved this wasn’t Tessa. But which sister was it?
bonus points for using them in order