I Knew Tatiana Was Trying to Upset Me
whispered her name in my heart
- up to your tits in frogs
- and on the back of your neck
- dipping his testicles into a container of salsa
- work involved screwing
Tune in next time part 484 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I knew Tatiana was trying to upset me, but it was her sister I couldn’t stop thinking about. I envisioned Tessa in my mind and whispered her name in my heart. Plus, I was pretending to be Jason, so it was Jason she was trying to upset and it hardly phased me.
The cavern was now beginning to fill up as the time of the auction drew nigh. A short woman in a pillowy turquoise puffer jacket greeted Oksana. They acted like old chums, but all I could overhear was “… moved out of that room! Last time I saw you you were up to your tits in frogs, and had moss growing in your armpits and on the back of your neck.” It was unclear how literally to take any of that.
The next wave of bidders filed in, all of them wanting to exchange pleasantries with the hostess, but the puffer-coat woman was still holding forth. “And then Clarence dipping his testicles into a container of salsa but shying away when I came after him with the corn chips!”
Oksana swiveled to face one of the new arrivals, abandoning the puffy turquoise person, who glanced my way and caught me smirking at her. “I don’t know what you’re so happy about, Jason,” she said. “I’m going to win this auction and put your brother to work.” She stepped closer. “Just like I put you work.”
I tried to keep the surprise off my face. This woman was a family connection I knew nothing about.
“Do you remember your indenture, Jason? Do you remember what the work involved?”
I looked away, feigning anguish.
“Say it!” she demanded.
I swallowed. I tried to read the correct answer on her face, but she was implacable. It had to have been something unsavory, something demeaning. “The work involved screwing,” I muttered.
“Caps onto medicine bottles, that’s right. And you did well, Jason. I would put you back to work any time.”
bonus points for using them in order