I Hissed at Fleur
one perilous bonding situation after another
- singing it into a Playskool karaoke machine
- A palindrome?
- Yum.
- arcane hieroglyphs which can be read only by
Tune in next time part 906 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I hissed at Fleur, “Why didn’t you brief me about this?”
“Because I know how much you love surprises,” she replied in an infuraitingly breezy tone. “And our marriage thrives as a series of one perilous bonding situation after another.”
“You call this bonding? You think watching me tap-dance my way through a potential international conflagration is a way to strengthen our marriage?” I whisper-shouted that question right into her face, but I might as well have been singing it into a Playskool karaoke machine with dead batteries. This whole scenario was playing out exactly as she wanted it to.
The head Contrarian pharma rep was waving her phone at us from the velvet couch and making a strange pouty face. I rolled my eyes and snatched the phone to see what she wanted to show us. The nanobot control app was flashing a red icon, and the pharma man with the microscopic implants in his body was slumped motionless on the couch.
“Is he okay?” I asked.
Pharma lady bit her nail. “He needs something, oh what did they call it… A palindrome? No, that’s not right. Oh well. It’ll come to me. Oh, they brought us more cheese. Yum.”
I wondered what it would mean for Fleur’s scheme if the man died. I wondered if the ambassador had noticed yet what was going on. I wondered how many of the slumped man’s basic biological processes were still working. Even a Contrarian pharmaceutical representative didn’t deserve to just rot on a couch at a diplomatic function, so I tried to troubleshoot his nanobots via the app. I quickly discovered that all the screens were filled with arcane hieroglyphs which can be read only by seventh-order digital mystics, or seventh-graders.
bonus points for using them in order