“I Have To Say”
A lamp in the fashion of a silver dove
- grunty, sweaty practice sessions in front of the mirror
- gotten even bigger — bigger!
- the color of duck l’orange
- “Ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!”
Tune in next time part 672 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“I have to say,” said Fleur, “your antics of late have tried even my patience. Here, put this on.” She passed me a garment bag, inside which I found a Contrarian military uniform of some kind. It was much fancier than my previous one, though. It had spiked epaulets, and fringed boots. A lamp in the fashion of a silver dove dangled from a rod in the brim of the hat. As I found my way into it, Fleur explained that I had been nominated in absentia to lead the stand-up comedy branch of her country’s armed forces.
Weapons-grade wisecracks called for extreme conditioning, and I groaned at the thought of endless grunty, sweaty practice sessions in front of the mirror. Soon darkness bathed the limo, and I thought we had entered a tunnel. But it was just the shadow of the royal zeppelin, which somehow had gotten even bigger — bigger! The tail section was painted the color of duck l’orange, with the Contrarian coat of arms plastered over it.
Fleur spoke into a walkie talkie. “Ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!” At this code phrase, a platform was lowered from the belly of the zeppelin. The limo drove onto it, and it reeled us in.
bonus points for using them in order